
What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the last molars that emerge at around the ages of 17 to 25. Most dentists refer to wisdom teeth as third molars because they grow and align behind the second molar. In most cases, a healthy adult can have up to four wisdom teeth, each at the end of the upper and lower jaws. However, not everyone has a good experience with wisdom teeth. Sometimes, they can emerge partly or even crowd the mouth due to little space case. Such a scenario can lead to impacted wisdom teeth, especially if they develop at odd angles. If neglected for long, impacted wisdom teeth can cause damage or decay to the neighboring teeth, leading to jaw infection.

Fortunately, you can address these concerns by getting dental surgery to remove the wisdom teeth. The procedure can take about 40 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the issue at hand. Moreover, you’ll feel comfortable as your dentist will numb the surgery area with local anesthesia to reduce pain. Then, you’ll resume your normal activities in about three days to a week. After removing the wisdom teeth, your dentist will recommend eating nutritious diets to provide nourishment and minimize complication risks. Eating healthy diets also helps reduce swelling and enhance recovery. This article highlights the top nutritious foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal. We also included answers to some of the frequently asked questions about foods to eat after tooth extraction.

What Can I Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

The top nutritious foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal include:

Banana Ice Cream

Some people mistake ice cream for foods to avoid after wisdom teeth removal. On the contrary, regular-flavored ice cream such as bananas can help in recovery. The cold sensation can help reduce inflammation and soothe the wound area to make you feel comfortable. Why banana ice cream? You would want to avoid regular ice cream due to high fat and sugar ingredients. Besides, bananas are relatively affordable and easy to prepare. Thus, you can always take your ice cream when fresh. How do you prepare banana ice cream? Follow this procedure:

  • First, peel about three to four bananas and leave them in a freezer overnight. If you crave ice cream during the day, you can freeze the bananas for about three to four hours.
  • Remove the frozen bananas from the appliance and chop them into pieces.
  • Place the bananas in a blender before adding a splash of milk. If you prefer a dairy-free alternative, you can go for almond or oat milk.
  • Blend the mixture until you get a thick, smooth consistency. Serve your ice cream and enjoy the relief from inflammation.

Greek Yogurt

Besides ice cream, you can also take Greek yogurt within 24 to 48 hours after your dental surgery, thanks to its smooth and creamy texture. Taking cold yogurt can help soothe and numb the wound area to ease discomfort. Also, Greek yogurt makes a good source of protein, vitamins, and zinc minerals.

Mashed Potatoes

Potatoes are a popular food in the US, consumed in many ways. Unlike chips, mashed potatoes are comfortable to eat after wisdom teeth surgery. Why mashed potatoes over other foods? This meal is rich in calories and nutrients to furnish the body with the extra energy needed after undergoing surgery. Most importantly, these nutrients help in wound recovery.
The only precaution you need to take is avoiding hot potentates, as irritation can be pretty uncomfortable.

Mashed Bananas

When you’re not consuming bananas in your ice cream, you can mash them to soften their texture and avoid discomfort. Some dental surgery patients will also chew whole bananas and swallow with ease. What’s more, fresh bananas are a good source of multiple vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, potassium, folate, and manganese.

Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled egg is an everyday meal in most homes, but you’ll find it more helpful and delicious after wisdom teeth surgery. While all eggs are rich in high-quality protein, minerals, and vitamins, going for omega-3yenriched or pasteurized varieties will give you the best experience when recovering. Remember, omega-3 acids are essential in wound healing.


Besides being hard and crunchy, apples have seeds that can dislodge the blood clot around the wound area. Peeled apple (applesauce) is rich in vitamin C, which can boost the immune system to enhance wound recovery. In that case, applesauce is a good alternative for whole fruits despite pureed apples having lower nutritional content. Thus taking applesauce means you won’t benefit from the minerals and vitamins found in apple skin.

Instant Oatmeal

After three days into recovery, you can start consuming soft solids, but with caution not to dislodge the stitches. Instant oatmeal can be pretty sticky in the mouth but won’t present serious challenges, especially when you take it cold to prevent irritation. Besides, instant oatmeal is less chewy than other oats, such as steel-cut. This meal will provide you with high fiber, vitamins, and minerals to enhance the recovery process.


Smoothies are a great source of vital nutrients required for quick recovery. With smoothies, you get to choose your ingredients depending on your dietary needs and preferences. Besides the versatility, smoothies are easy to prepare, especially when you can’t perform rigorous cooking activities a few days into healing. When preparing smoothies, don’t forget to add a scoop of protein powder or a splash of Greek yogurt to boost your protein intake. You can also go for seedless fruits and fresh vegetables.


Avocados make one of the softest fruits you can enjoy after recovery, especially if you whip or mash before consuming. Even though there is little research that suggests avocados can help in the wound healing process, they are still healthy, thanks to their low carbs but high healthy fats concentration. Moreover, avocados are rich in vitamins C, K, and potassium.
Not every dental surgery patient requires to smash or whip avocado. If you feel no pain when eating, you can take avocados in sliced portions because they have smooth and creamy textures


Lastly, if you find it hard to chew beef, salmon can be an excellent alternative for protein. Moreover, it is one of the healthiest foods to eat after tooth extraction because it’s easy and soft to chew. The rich omega-3 fatty acids in salmon can help reduce inflammation to improve recovery. Hence, salmon is a go-to option if your omega-3 fatty acid levels are low. However, you’ll still experience mild inflammation due to stitching.

Foods to Avoid After Tooth Extraction

Some foods to avoid after wisdom teeth removal include alcoholic beverages, especially if you’re still under powerful pain reliever medication. Consuming alcoholic drinks within 24 hours after surgery can dislodge the blood clot on the wound by creating a dry socket. Remember, this blood clot protects the nerves and the soft tissues from bacterial infection. Again, you’ll have a good recovery experience if you avoid eating hard, brittle, crunchy, or chewy foods within the first week after surgery. Some people will also find it hard to enjoy tough meat within the first month of recovery. In that case, you can get your protein from daily products.

Frequently Asked Questions about Wisdom Teeth Removal

How Long After Wisdom Teeth Removal Can I Eat?

When and what can I eat after wisdom teeth removal? This question can trouble you before walking into surgery. You can eat cold, liquid, and soft foods as soon as 24-48 hours after the extraction. This includes ice cream, yogurt, and apple sauce. Then, you can start eating some of the soft solid foods recommended on the third day. Remember, eating cold foods throughout the first week after recovery can ease the discomfort.

How Much Will It Cost Me to Extract Wisdom Teeth?

The cost of wisdom teeth removal varies, depending on where to stay. For instance, wisdom teeth removal cost in North Hollywood is relatively affordable depending on the treatments required. That means removing all four teeth will cost you more than a single tooth. Also, you may spend less if your insurance policy covers dental surgery. Other factors that may affect the costs of wisdom teeth surgery include clinic policy and the dentist’s experience.

Learn more about Wisdom tooth extraction in North Hollywood.

Can I Eat Sugary Foods After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Soft sugary foods don’t constitute foods to avoid after tooth extraction. Wisdom teeth extraction is a minor surgery, and treating yourself to sweet foods can help you relieve the pain. Moreover, soft sugary foods like ice cream can help soothe the inflamed tissue. However, you may need to avoid deep flavors for the first three days. Also, it will help if you avoid eating ice cream cones, chocolate chips, and buts.

How Long Does it Take to Recover from Wisdom Teeth Surgery?

Generally, it may take you between three days and one week to recover and resume normal activities. However, the surgery wound will take months to heal. Thus, it will help if you avoid strenuous exercises or any unhealthy habits that can dislodge the blood clot around the wound. Most importantly, observe proper hygiene and watch out for any sign of complication such as abnormal pain and bleeding.

The Bottom Line: Embrace Healthy Diets after Wisdom Teeth Removal

Dental surgery may be the last option if you have impacted wisdom teeth. It is necessary that you get the procedure done as soon as possible to prevent infection or decay. After a successful surgery, it will help if you embrace a healthy diet to enhance recovery. Since you’ll not be moving around that much a few days after surgery, you can stock your kitchen with the foods recommended above. Also, don’t forget that the quality of dental surgery can affect your recovery. Thus, go to reputable dental clinics with experienced dentists who will stitch the wound properly to prevent accidental bleedings in the first few days.