Depending on oral hygiene and eating habits, you might find yourself visiting a dentist for a Root Canal on a Front Tooth. Contrary to many beliefs and conceptions, a front tooth root canal is a less-complicated, painless procedure. Moreover, you’ll likely reduce more pain than you will experience if you choose to ignore the infection.
It is essential to note that the kind of experience you’ll have during a front tooth root canal process depends on your dentist. You’d want a high-quality treatment process that leverages modern technology. In that case, scheduling an appointment with experienced dentists at Victory Plaza Dental Group sounds like a good plan. Reputable dental clinics offer the best after-care services for speedier recovery and your money’s value.
Here is everything you need to know about the front tooth root canal process, including the average cost of root canal and crown.
What is Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal treatment entails removing bacteria from an infected root canal to preserve the natural root and prevent the infection from spreading to other teeth. Your dentist removes the infected or inflamed pulp tissue to clean, disinfect, fill, and then seal the tooth.
Modern front tooth root canal treatments are nothing different from regular filing procedures. Depending on the size or extent of inflammation/decay, you can complete an entire treatment process in about one or two appointments. Some of the advantages of front tooth root canal treatment include:
- Normal chewing
- Better oral hygiene
- Natural appearance
- Typical biting force and sensation
Who is the Right Candidate for Root Canal on a Front Tooth?
Besides bacterial infections, most patients go for Root Canal on a Front Tooth due to cracked teeth, genetics, or effects of an accident. Some people may also experience deep cavities or complications from the previous filling. However, you’ll likely need a front tooth root canal if you experience persistent teeth sensitivity to hot and cold sensations. Watch out for the following signs to know if you’re a suitable candidate for this treatment:
Tooth Discoloration
While tooth discoloration can signal various oral problems, most front root canal patients come to us with discolored teeth. Your front tooth can experience inadequate blood supply due to bacterial infection or direct impact that causes inflammation; when the condition damages the internal tissues, the tooth assumes a greyish-black color. If you notice your front teeth losing their white color, gradually pay us a visit at Victory Plaza Dental Group.
Swollen or Tender Gums
Swollen and tender gums may be a sign that you need an urgent Root Canal on a Front Tooth. The swelling can be seasonal; you may sometimes go for a day without experiencing it. Your gums can swell due to acidic waste buildup around dead pulp tissues. In the worst cases, you can experience pimples on the gum. The gumboils may ooze pus from the infection and cause lousy mouth odor or unpleasant tastes.
Pain When You Touch the Root
Do you ever feel some pain when touching the front tooth? Infected or decayed pulp tissues cause the ligament around the root tip to become hypersensitive. If the infection is deep, some waste products may also irritate the ligament, making it feel painful when applying slight pressure on the teeth. This can either be through touching or biting. In that case, you may need a front tooth root canal.
Serious Mouth Injuries
Direct impacts from collision accidents may result in serious mouth injuries, some of which you’ll hardly notice or choose to ignore. These injuries can leave openings for bacteria to cause inflammation or infection to the tooth root. Moreover, your nerves can also sustain damage, causing the nerves to be sensitive. In that case, you’ll need a root canal procedure.
Loose Teeth
Sometimes nearly all the front teeth may feel lose and tend to move when you apply pressure on them. Loose teeth can be a warning sign that you need a root canal procedure. Acidic waste buildup in the pulp tissues softens the born, making the nearby teeth lose their sturdiness. Even so, loose teeth can also result from other oral conditions. Take to your dentist to see if you need to save a dying tooth.
Persistent Pain
Lastly, you can also tell whether you’re a suitable candidate for a front tooth root canal if you experience persistent pain. The pain sensation can be intense to mild from time to time. Besides feeling pain in the teeth, you can also experience referred pain in the jaws or face area. However, it is essential to go for a check-up first to determine the pain’s exact cause. Many patients who visit us with persistent pain often experience:
- A damaged filling
- Injured tooth
- Gum disease
- Referred pain from a sinus infection
Root Canal Treatment Process
Now that you’re sure you need a front tooth root canal procedure, what should you expect once you visit the dentist? It is crucial to note that it’s advisable to handle root canal procedures when the infection or inflammation is still in the early stages. Your dentist may have to refer you to an endodontist (a specialist in root canal treatment) if your case is complex. Expect the following procedure in regular treatments:
Preparation for a front root canal treatment
The first step of preparation involves taking several X-ray scans to paint an accurate picture of how the damage looks. X-ray scans will reveal the extent of the infection before the practical treatment process. The dentist will then inject your gums with local anesthesia to numb the area and reduce sensitivity to pain. When there is complete decay, local anesthesia may not be necessary as the tooth will already have lost its sensitiveness.
Pulp removal
After you confirm that you don’t feel any pain, the dentist proceeds with the actual treatment process. The process entails the removal of the pulp and any pus swellings that may have accumulated over time. Before removing the pulp, your dentist will place a special rubber sheet called a dam around the root. This dam ensures that the tooth remains dry during treatment. It also prevents you from swallowing the dental chemicals used in the procedure.
The dentist accesses the pulp by drilling the tooth through the crown.
Cleaning and filling the tooth
The next step is cleaning the canal before refilling. Tooth canals are small and narrow. Hence, the dentist may use small files in enlarging the canal to create a regular hole that is easily fillable. Cleaning and filling is the longest process and may take up to three appointments depending on the damage extent and number of roots. In the case of a front tooth root canal, there is only one root, so it can take one or two appointments.
If you have to come back for another appointment, the doctor will use particular medicine to kill any remaining bacteria before sealing the tooth with a temporary filling. You might experience some symptoms of infection before your next visit. In that case, antibiotics prescription will help relieve raised temperatures and abnormal swelling.
Sealing the tooth
The next visit will be pretty quick and straightforward. The dentist removes the medicine and temporary filling before doing a complete canal filling. You’ll be free from reinfection or tooth sensitivity after the last appointment. If you experienced tooth discoloration during the infection, the dentist might use various cleaning techniques such as whitening chemicals to restore the natural color.
Adding a crown
Some filled teeth may feel feeble hence susceptible to breakages. In that case, your dentist may propose adding a crown to protect the now refilled tooth. Crowns are caps that cover natural teeth and can be primarily ceramic, porcelain, metal, or powdered glass materials. The dentist will file the tooth to reduce its size. This ensures that the crown fits in properly.
Are There Any Complications with This Treatment?
Like any other dental procedure, treating a front root canal can also have some complications, especially when handled carelessly. The first complication may arise if a misdiagnosis occurs and the dentist treats one root instead of the infected number. If the dentist leaves any infected root, the problem may creep back.
Another complication may arise due to undetected tooth fracture or inadequate restoration. Such a mistake allows bacteria to creep back and contaminate the treated area. You will find yourself needing another procedure before long. Even so, you can still minimize the chances of these complications with a high-quality process from us.
The Average Cost of Front Teeth Root Canal
The average cost of root canal and crown can range anywhere between $200 and $700. However, these figures depend on several factors at hand. Some of the factors that will affect your budget include:
- Insurance policy
- Dental clinic rates
- The number of infected roots
- Whether you need a crown
Reach out to our team to book an appointment. Our average cost of root canal and crown is budget-friendly and gives you the money’s value.
Where to Go for Root Canal on a Front Tooth in Lose Angeles
Oral health can sometimes get complicated if you land in the hands of quack professionals. Visit Victory Plaza Dental Group in North Hollywood for root canal consultation and procedures. Our staff is friendly and welcoming to give you the best customer experience. Besides root canal procedures, we offer a wide range of dental services to both children and adults. We are a one-stop dental clinic for all your family members’ dental health. Call us on 818- 927- 0726 to get started.