Once you realize you need to have an extraction, you will most likely have a lot of questions such as is there pain after tooth extraction, what is normal healing after tooth extraction, cost of tooth removal and what to do after your extraction. The process used by Victory Plaza Dental Group is simple. Your extraction is performed by your dental surgeon or dentist in the office. You will receive instructions detailing your day by day tooth extraction healing stages. Your dentist will also explain the importance of a healthy socket after extraction.
You will be given instruction on caring for your extraction site to help ensure normal healing after tooth extraction. You will receive an injection of anesthetics to prevent tooth extraction pain during your procedure. Your North Hollywood dentist then uses different instruments to loosen your tooth before removal. Gauze will be placed over your extraction site to promote clotting and control bleeding. Once your tooth is extracted, the process for recovery from tooth extraction will be fully explained.
Why Would a Dentist Near Me Perform an Extraction?
There are several reasons your dentist may recommend an extraction. The time you will need for tooth extraction healing time will be explained in addition to your cost. If you have a broken or damaged tooth your North Hollywood dentist believes is beyond repair, an extraction will be recommended. If bacteria builds on your teeth resulting in the formation of plaque, it can lead to periodontal disease. Your bone and gum tissue can then erode causing your teeth to become loose and require removal.
This can also be necessary if your tooth has decayed and treatment with a crown, root canal or filling is no longer possible. If your jaw is not large enough for all your teeth, a tooth is growing on top of or into another tooth or you have too many teeth, the result is crowded teeth. Overcrowding can be eliminated when you have teeth extractions. Your tooth extraction recovery is based on different variables such as the type of extraction you need and the difficulty level. If all you need is a simple extraction, your tooth extraction healing time should be shorter.
How Long Does Pain Last After Tooth Extraction?
After your extraction, you will experience some bleeding for approximately 24 hours. Do not do anything to disrupt the formation of your blood clot within the socket. Your pain after tooth extraction should lessen by the third day. After roughly seven to 10 days, you will see the formation of granulation tissue. This protects the site from which your tooth was extracted until the bone is able to form. You will schedule a follow-up appointment with Victory Plaza Dental Group in about two weeks.
Your dentist will make certain your tooth extraction healing stages are progressing properly. If you had a wisdom tooth or molar extraction, your tooth extraction recovery may require additional time. Your healing process may require several weeks. You will be informed of your wisdom teeth extraction cost prior to your procedure.
See Also: Tooth Extraction Cost in North Hollywood
What To Do After Your North Hollywood Tooth Extraction
For the first two days after your extraction, you will require more attention and aftercare. You may be able to improve your tooth extraction healing time with the tips detailed below.
- Do not remove the gauze placed in your mouth after your procedure for a few hours to help your blood clot form. At this point, change your gauze when necessary.
- Once your extraction is complete, rest for a minimum of 24 hours.
- When lying down, prop up your head slightly.
- Do not immediately rinse out your mouth because you can dislodge your clot formation. This will increase your tooth extraction healing time.
- Do not spit or drink using a straw.
- Do not consume alcohol or any hot liquids.
- Try not to sneeze or blow your nose whenever possible.
- Do not use tobacco products or smoke for a minimum of three days after your extraction.
- During your tooth extraction recovery, take the pain relievers prescribed by your dentist. This will also help with inflammation.
- Place an ice pack on your cheek to minimize or decrease swelling. Leave your ice pack in place for a total of 10 to 20 minutes. Repeat the process when you feel it is necessary.
Day By Day Tooth Extraction Healing Stages
By the time your tooth extraction recovery has reached the third day, you should be forming a blood clot. There are simple precautions you should take to help eliminate any issues until your gum is completely healed.
- Use warm salt water or a saline rinse for rinsing your mouth and killing bacteria.
- Brush regularly using interdental brushes or water flossers. Do not clean the area right next to your extracted tooth.
- Eat healthy and soft snacks and foods you do not need to chew such as yogurts and soups. Stay away from steak, hard candy and nuts and do not chew on ice.
How Long Does a Tooth Extraction Take To Heal?
Your tooth extraction healing time is dependent on your individual situation. For the first 24 hours after your extraction, you will feel poorly and experience some degree of tooth extraction pain. For the first two days, you need to be careful when taking care of your extraction site. Most of your healing will occur in seven to 10 days. As your tooth extraction time passes, your pain should diminish more every day. By the fourth day, your pain should be completely gone. During your first three days, you may feel some pain and have minor bleeding. This is the most noticeable on your first day.
What Should a Tooth Extraction Look Like When Healing?
After approximately seven days, your clot should begin to form. You will notice whitish granulation tissue. This tissue protects your clot from dissolving and your extraction site until your new bone forms.
Molar Extraction
If you had a wisdom tooth extracted, your incision may require a few weeks to completely heal. You may need additional medication for pain during your tooth extraction healing time. If you are still experiencing pain 24 hours after your tooth removal, you may be unable to manage it using over-the-counter pain medications. At this point, contact a dentist near me.
Is the Pain Different for Dental Implants or a Bone Graft?
Even though over-the-counter medications are generally sufficient during your tooth extraction healing time, you will most likely receive a prescription for pain medication from your dentist if you have received dental implants or a bone graft. Your pain level after these procedures is usually more intense. You will receive a recommendation from your dentist regarding your best options for pain management. During your initial consultation, your dentist will discuss the cost of these procedures. Your specific cost is dependent on the procedure.
Can There Be Complications During Recovery From Tooth Extraction?
Under normal circumstances, your tooth extraction healing time is as long as 10 days. There are signs you should be aware of because they are an indication you are not developing a healthy socket after extraction. If you notice any of the following, you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible.
- Your bleeding does not stop as time passes.
- If You have developed a dry socket.
- Your drainage has a bad taste or smell.
- Severe or increasing pain that may spread and reach your ear.
- Experiencing nausea, vomiting or fever
- Your swelling does not improve over time or becomes worse.
- If You are experiencing issues due to a weakened immune system from an autoimmune disorder such as HIV.
If you are interested in receiving additional information about a normal socket after tooth extraction, tooth extraction healing time or would like to know the cost for your extraction, contact your North Hollywood dentist. Making certain you have a healthy socket after extraction is extremely important. If you have any questions or are uncertain if you are healing correctly, you should speak with your dentist, The length of time required for you to heal depends on your unique physiology.
Is Tooth Extraction Recovery Different with Multiple Extractions?
If your dentist has determined multiple extractions are necessary, you will most likely require general anesthesia. In this instance, you will need to make arrangements for a ride home after your procedure. Your tooth extraction recovery is dependent on following the instructions you received from your dentist. Your tooth extraction healing stages are not necessarily the same as for someone else.
North Hollywood Tooth Extraction for Wisdom Teeth and Multiple Teeth
In some cases, your dentist may need to extract multiple teeth at the same time or you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed. The chances are good general anesthesia will be recommended by your dentist instead of a local anesthetic. This will prevent you from feeling any pain during your extractions. You will also be given special instructions you need to follow including avoiding certain foods for a specific time and arranging for a ride home from your procedure. You may experience some difficulty taking care of multiple extractions.
This is especially true if you had teeth removed from both sides of your mouth. For this type of situation, you will most likely be given specific instructions from your dentist. You may also be asked to schedule a follow-up appointment a short time after your procedure. Your dentist may use clotting aids to help with clotting after your tooth extraction. A clotting aid is a little piece of natural material to promote clotting. The clotting aid will be safely broken down by your body and absorbed as time passes. This helps with your tooth extraction healing stages.
In most cases, your dentist removes wisdom teeth when you are young because you will probably recover much faster. Your tooth extraction recovery for wisdom teeth will require more time than for a regular tooth. You may need to take a little time off from school or work. During your surgery, multiple teeth will be removed. You will most likely receive general anesthesia for your extraction. Other techniques may be used by your dentist to promote healing after your procedure including dissolvable stitches. Your aftercare and tooth extraction healing stages are similar.
What To Avoid During Normal Healing After Tooth Extraction
You may still have some questions about what to do after tooth extraction. The most important step you can take is making certain not to disturb your extraction site since this can result in your clot breaking open. If this happens, your clotting process starts all over again and increases the length of time you will need to recover while increasing the risk of an infection developing. The best way to promote healing after your tooth extraction is to follow the tips below.
- Avoid the development of a dry socket
- Change your gauze often after your first few hours
- Do not use tobacco products or smoke
- Do not rinse out your mouth
- Try not to blow your nose or sneeze
- Allow a 24 rest period
- Do not use a straw for 24 hours
Home Remedies for Tooth Extraction Pain
If you would prefer not to use pain medication after your tooth removal, there are home remedies you can use to help alleviate your pain. Some of the most common home remedies include:
- Use an ice pack wrapped in a soft cloth for approximately 20 minutes to help with your swelling. Repeat as necessary.
- Use salt water or a commercial saline rinse 24 hours after your extraction. Make certain you do not destroy or damage your blood clot.
- Use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs to help with your swelling and pain. Avoid aspirin since it can thin your blood.
If you believe you may need to have one or more teeth extracted, contact us at Victory Plaza Dental Group today.