
The Truth about Pacifiers

If you are a parent or expect a newborn, your child’s wellbeing is your priority. You would do anything to ensure your child has healthy physical and mental growth. There are many conspiracies surrounding pacifier and teeth development. One of the most frequently asked questions by new parents is, does a pacifier affect teeth growth? Or is pacifier bad for teeth? This article will discuss truths surrounding baby binky and the pacifier effects on baby teeth.

Truth About Baby Pacifier

Baby binky inspires strong sentiment among parents and has led to an endless debate on the groups from both sides. One group argues that pacifier use is bad for developing toddlers’ teeth and causes pacifier teeth, while the other group argues that it is a harmless tool to soothe babies. Here are some of the realities of the baby pacifier and teeth development.

Child Age

There are conspiracies about binky and child’s age. There is a group that argues that pacifier is unhealthy for children of all ages. On the other hand, the other group argues that baby binky is healthy for children of all ages.

Pacifiers and teeth relation changes with the age of the infant using it. At a young age, children have strong sucking reflexes and are easily soothed by baby binky. Studies have shown that the use of pacifiers by this group reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome significantly.

In addition, pacifiers regulate your child’s sleeping patterns, thus giving them a healthy growth pattern. There is no pacifier-related oral development problem recorded in this group. This group strongly feels the benefits of the binky. Thus, a pacifier for toddler teeth is recommended.

Once your child reaches two years of age, the use of a pacifier becomes unhealthy. Pacifier use by this group may cause teeth misalignment, leading to popularly referred to as the pacifier teeth. These pacifier effects on baby teeth distort oral development and may cause ear infections.

Pacifier Design

Many people believe that baby pacifiers are similar in terms of design. The truth is the design of the pacifier is one thing producers have to put into consideration. Poorly designed binkies may lead to oral deformation that may result in pacifier teeth.

Moreover, it would be best to look for a pacifier for toddler teeth with holes on the plastic shield. It prevents baby choking, and thus it is vital to check the design of the pacifier you are buying for your infant. The relationship between a pacifier and teeth development is an important issue to put into consideration.

Pacifier Safety

There is much misinformation about the pacifiers and teeth safety. There is no safer binky; its security depends on how you use it and the precautions you take as a parent.

It is okay for a baby to fall asleep with a pacifier in its mouth, but it is not advisable to put it in the mouth of a sleeping toddler. In addition, a pacifier should be washed with warm water and soap to avoid infecting your child.

Moreover, it is advisable only to use a baby binky in a controlled way. It should not be used as a way to calm a fussy baby. Long-term use of the baby binky may lead to pacifier teeth. Thus it is advisable only to use the pacifier during naptime and at night during bedtime.

To ensure the binky is safe in your baby’s mouth, it is advisable to disinfect it once it falls out. Moreover, you should replace your baby binky once it becomes discolored or cracked. Damaged pacifiers may harbor many bacteria that may, in turn, cause teeth decay and cavities in your child.

Effects Of Pacifier on Baby Teeth

Some of the frequently asked questions are; does a pacifier cause a gap in teeth? Is pacifier bad for teeth? Does a pacifier affect teeth growth? Finally, can a pacifier prevent teeth from coming in? How can resolve pacifers and teeth issues? Here are the answers to all these questions.

Using a pacifier for an extended period may cause a gap between the upper and the lower teeth. This deformation of the mouth and misalignment of teeth is referred to as pacifier teeth. The use of a baby binky past the age of five years delays primary teeth falling and the development of permanent teeth.

Whether the pacifier is bad for the teeth depends on how you use it on your child. As a parent, you must ensure you wean your child off the pacifier to prevent problems like the pacifier teeth. It is also your responsibility to practice hygienic use of the device.

When Should Your Baby Stop Using a Pacifier

Are pacifiers bad? The answer to this question is no, but it is advisable to start weaning your baby off the pacifier after their first birthday. This ensures your child has an easy transition at their second birthday. The earlier your baby learns to stay without the pacifier, the more you lower the chances of pacifier teeth occurrence.

Human beings experience rapid growth in the first two years of their lives. During this development period, anything held for an extended period in your child may affect oral development. When babies use pacifiers for long, their jaws may grow and develop around it.

In addition, overuse of the soother may lead to crooked teeth and bite problems. The common bite problems associated with the overuse of the binky are underbite, overbite, and crossbite.

Moreover, apart from pacifier teeth, long-term use of the binky may cause tooth decay, receding gums, and cavities. American Dental Association advises parents to avoid using sweetened pacifiers once their children are six months old. Dipping the binky in sugar or honey encourages tooth decay and cavity formation.

Furthermore, parents are warned not to be putting the pacifiers in their mouths before giving them to their babies. This may transfer millions of bacteria into your baby’s mouth leading to tooth decay and other oral infections.

Weaning your child off the pacifier is not an easy task. Here are some tips that may help you and your child during this transition moment. Cut the nipple short or pierce the top of the binky. This process reduces the gratification your child gets from the soother. It is also advisable to go for a vacation and leave the pacifier at home.

There are some instances where this process becomes challenging, especially to new mothers. It is thus advisable to talk to your dentist about ways to break the habit. In Victory Plaza Dental Group, we have the best kids dentist in North Hollywood. Here you will get the best dental help and advice that you may need. We will help you and give you advice on how to fix pacifier teeth.

Other Potential Issues A Pacifier May Cause

In addition to dental problems associated with the use of the soother like the pacifier teeth, there are other issues a baby binky may cause; these include:

Skin Problem

Long-term use of a pacifier can rub against the lips and the upper part of the mouth and irritate. Moreover, pacifiers that have latex nipples may lead to an allergic reaction on the toddler’s skin.

Speech and Eating Problem

One of the negative impacts of the malformation caused by pacifiers is problems in eating and speaking well. For example, children who have pacifier teeth have a problem when making various consonant sounds. It is a condition that can impact their communication and cause frustration in such children.

Social Problems

Pacifier-caused deformations like crooked teeth, buck teeth, pacifier teeth, and speaking problems may negatively affect the social life of many children. These kids get a hard time when interacting with their peers. Pacifier teeth may also cause cause great embarrassment.

Will Pacifiers Teeth Correct Themselves

One of the main questions frequently asked by parents is; will pacifier teeth correct themselves? Pacifier teeth can correct themselves if the problem is noted earlier, and you stop your baby from using a pacifier at an early age. However, if your child continues to use a pacifier and the problem persists for long, pacifier teeth may not correct itself fully.

When pacifier teeth reach this stage, it is advisable to seek help from a professional orthodontist. They will help to reverse the pacifier teeth damage and give your child a new look. There are different degrees of pacifier teeth, and the self-correction process may differ in other people.

Preventing Pacifier Teeth

The best way to avoid pacifier teeth in your child is weaning them off the baby binky at an early age or avoiding it at all costs. There are alternatives to a pacifier, and you can use natural teething for your baby to chew, breastfeed them, or use other known methods to soothe babies.

Time to Consult an Orthodontist

Consult an orthodontist or a pediatric dentist if you have any inquiries about your baby’s pacifier habits and pacifier teeth. In Victory Plaza Dental Group, we have the best North Hollywood pediatric dentist where you will get all the solutions to your child’s dental conditions. We will reverse the pacifier teeth damage and eliminate any embarrassments associated with the pacifier teeth. Victory Plaza Dental Group will also provide any information about pacifiers and teeth.

Here we have the latest and sophisticated technology which will help you to get the best services. Moreover, we have the most experienced kids dentist in North Hollywood who works closely with parents to find the best solution and making sure your child is comfortable with the whole treatment process. These professionals know how to fix pacifier teeth and give your child a new look.