Babies don’t come with an instruction manual. And what is true for one infant may not be true for another. All babies teethe, but when it happens varies. Below we hope to answer all of your signs baby is teething questions. You will learn about baby teething symptoms and how to soothe your baby when their first tooth erupts.
When do babies start teething?
The answer to this question varies. Some babies are born with a set of teeth. It is a rare condition called natal teeth. Usually, it is a single tooth that has not correctly formed. It is usually a loose tooth, and doctors often remove it before the baby leaves the hospital.
Usually, a baby will start teething around 6 months, but this isn’t always the case. If the question can my baby start teething at 3 months has ever crossed your mind, the answer is yes. Teething can happen at 3 months. It can also happen around 12 months. Sometimes the teeth come in one at a time and sometimes in pairs or sets.
If you are wondering what do teething gums look like so you know what to be on the lookout for, the answer is quite simple. Red. Gums will appear red. The tooth moves beneath the skin of the gums, and this makes them appear red and swollen. A blister can also appear over the erupting tooth. The blister will look like it’s filled with some type of fluid.
Baby Teething Symptoms
Signs baby is teething can vary from baby to baby. Sometimes the teeth will come in smooth and easy with little pain and no symptoms. Some babies aren’t that lucky, and there are signs baby is teething.
Baby teething symptoms consist of:
- Sore gums: Sore gums are a sign baby is teething because the tooth has to break through the gum surface. The gums may look swollen and red because the tooth is moving beneath the surface.
- Drooling: While babies already drool a lot, teething can cause them to drool even more. Teething rash can appear around the mouth, chin, cheeks, and neck because of the bacteria in the saliva. The best thing you can do is try to keep the area dry. Barrier cream can be used to soothe the skin around this area.
- Fussy: Teething will make your baby irritable. The first set of teeth and the first set of molars are usually the most painful. Your baby will be extra fussy.
- Slight Fever: A slight fever can come with teething. It could also be caused by babies putting their dirty hands in their mouths.
- Rubbing Cheeks: Pain from the gums can move to the cheek and the ear. So when your baby is teething, they may rub the cheek and their ear.
- Biting: When a baby is teething, they may start biting or gnawing on everything because it eases the pressure they feel under their gums.
Again signs baby is teething can vary. Baby teething symptoms are not the same for each child. It may be less, or it may be worse.
What teeth grow first in babies?
Usually, baby’s first teeth grow in this order:
- The central incisors include the top and bottom front teeth. These teeth usually appear when the baby is between 6 and 12 months.
- The lateral incisors are the top and bottom teeth on the sides of the central incisors. These teeth usually appear between 9 and 16 months.
- The first molars are the back teeth, and they appear between 12 and 16 months.
- The canines are towards the back of the mouth and appear between 16 and 20 months.
- The second molars are at the back of the mouth, and they appear around 22 to 24 months.
The teeth a baby produces are not permanent. When a child is around 6 to 12 years old, the roots of their baby teeth deteriorate. This makes room for their adult teeth to grow in their place.
How long does teething last?
It varies from child to child. Some children may not be bothered at all while their teeth are migrating to the surface. While others will either be a little or very uncomfortable with it. It all depends on the child. When it comes to discomfort during the teething process, the molars tend to cause the most pain because of how they are shaped.
How to help teething baby
When your baby is teething, they are going to be irritable and want to chew on everything. No one likes seeing their baby in pain, and there are certain things you can do to ease their symptoms and discomfort.
Baby teething relief comes in many forms. If you are thinking about using any medications, make sure to talk to your pediatrician first. And make sure that the medicine is age-appropriate. For baby teething relief, you can try teething rings and over-the-counter medication.
- Teething Rings: come in many different forms. A teething ring gives babies something they can chew that won’t hurt them. It helps to ease the pressure building up in their gums, and it can distract them from the discomfort and pain they feel.
You can put them in the refrigerator to cool them before use. The coolness may help to soothe gums. - Baby Pain Medication: When your baby starts teething, it may be painful. There are sugar-free painkillers that you can give them, such as ibuprofen, Tylenol, or paracetamol. Before you give your baby anything, speak to your pediatrician.
- Comfort: Comforting your baby can help distract them from the pain and discomfort that they feel. Cuddle them and rock them. With a clean finger, massage their gums for a couple of minutes. This will help relieve the pressure in their gums.
- Cold: If you don’t have a cold teething ring, you can use a cold washcloth. Take a damp washcloth and place it in the fridge. When it is cold, you can give it to your baby, and they can chew on it. This will help to soothe their gums and make them feel better. It will also give them something to play with.
- Hard Food: Chewing is a sign that your baby is teething. They will chew on their fingers, toys, and anything else they can get their hands on. Their hands can be dirty, so chewing on their fingers puts bacteria in their mouths. And chewing on other objects can be dangerous, especially if they are sharp or small. Babies that are six months or older can chew on certain foods. Raw fruit, vegetables, piece of crusty bread. Make sure that the food isn’t too small and stay close to them so you can make sure that they don’t choke. Limit foods that contain a lot of sugar because it can start tooth decay.
Baby Teething Relief Methods to Avoid
When it comes to dealing with baby teething symptoms, you may want to try anything. Don’t. Before you try anything, if you think your baby is teething, speak with your pediatrician. You can ask them for advice on what to use and what not to use.
- Frozen Teething Rings: You may have grown up hearing about putting a teething ring in the freezer for a teething baby. Don’t do this. Frozen teething rings often become too hard for a baby to chew on. It can hurt your bay’s gums more than it will soothe them.
- Topical Gels: Topical gels have been around for a while. The ones that contained benzocaine were removed from the market in 2018. Benzocaine was proven to not be safe for children under two years old.
- Teething Necklaces: The FDA has warned against using teething necklaces. The beads can be dangerous to your baby because they break off, and they can choke.
- Teething Tablets: Some teething tablets may contain belladonna. Belladonna can be toxic if ingested in high quantities. Avoid them because there have been cases where there is more belladonna in the tablet than the label says.
When to call the doctor
Teething is a natural process that every baby goes through. That being said, sometimes the 3 month old teething symptoms can be caused by something else. You should contact your doctor if your baby is experiencing high fevers, a runny nose, and diarrhea. You should also contact your doctor if your baby is 16 months and they haven’t started teething yet. All of these could be signs that something serious is wrong.
When to visit a dentist
When your baby’s teeth come in, you should make their first dentist appointment. Victory Plaza Dental Group has a wonderful pediatric dentist in North Hollywood if you need one. A dentist will tell and show you the proper way to care for your child’s teeth.
With this baby and toddler teething guide, you should be able to recognize the signs of a teething baby at 3 months and soothe them. If you are looking for a kids dentist in North Hollywood, you can find a great one at Victory Plaza Dental Group.
1. Can my baby start teething at 3 months?
Can a 3 month old get teeth? Yes, they can. It may be difficult imagining your 3 month old with two front teeth, but it can happen.
2. What are the first signs of teething 3 months?
The first signs of a baby teething are rubbing their gums, drooling, sleeplessness, and being a little cranky. 3 month old teething symptoms can vary from child to child. Some may have some or all of these symptoms. Some children have none.
3. Can teething cause fever
A slight fever is another baby teething symptom to be on the lookout for. If your baby has a high fever which is 101 F or higher, that is not caused by teething, and you should take them to the doctor.
4. Ear infection vs teething, how can you tell?
Being able to tell the difference between ear infection vs teething can be difficult. Some of the symptoms can overlap. Ear pulling and a slight fever can be symptoms of teething and an ear infection.
Most ear infections are caused by a cold. If your baby has or has recently had a cold and is fussy and pulling on their ears, then they likely have an ear infection. Also, if they have a runny nose with green or yellow mucus, this is another sign of an infection. The best way to tell is to take them to the doctor. A dentist would be able to tell you if they are teething or not. And if the symptoms are not from teething, then most likely it is an ear infection.